Good governance is fundamental to the effective performance of any school. The vast amount of laws and regulations which may or may not be applicable depending on a school’s status make the task of running a school a very special undertaking. School leaders are often experts in their field, whether that be safeguarding or SEN, however, there may be occasions where specialist education legal advice is required. It is crucial that any school or academy is constituted correctly and has access to the right support to enable it to fulfil its tasks.

At HY Education, we are a firm of solicitors dedicated to the education sector and are experts in providing governance advice for schools of any size. This may be single schools looking to adopt new policies or multi-academy trusts with ambitious growth plans requiring assistance to restructure to meet corporate objectives.
We work collaboratively with schools, providing counsel to senior leadership teams, collaborating on matters of strategic importance, and being on hand to ensure that statutory duties are fulfilled. Our team of education solicitors and barristers have extensive knowledge to ensure you are supported across all key areas.

Support Areas
At HY Education, we cover a wide range of legal areas within governance that schools and academies across the UK may find themselves dealing with. Our team of education solicitors are on hand to assist you with a range of legal issues:
- Schemes of Delegation
- SEND & Safeguarding
- Regulatory Requirements
- Local Government
- Members, Boards & Committees
- Charity Law
- Company Law
- Nolan Principles
- Policy & Procedure
Our Approach
We appreciate that, in schools, time is precious. By using HY Education, your school will have instant access to a team of experts meaning the time spent interpreting statutory guidance, rules and regulations can be saved and best used elsewhere. We listen to the legal requirements your school needs and cover an extensive range of education law specialisms. Responsiveness is key, and we understand you need advice quickly.
We know that schools can have limited budgets, and so whether you run a rural primary school or a large multi-trust academy, HY Education is committed to providing affordable, high-quality legal advice to any educational institution.